Garford Electric Weeder by Garford Farm Machinery Brooklyn Park, MN, USA

The Garford Electric Weeder brings electric weeding technology to salad, brassica, and vegetable crop applications. It has been developed from a collaboration between the UK manufacturer of technologically advanced mechanical weed control products Garford Farm Machinery, and the UK electrical weed control manufacturer RootWave.
It represents an industry solution, combining best-in-class power electronics, imaging, and artificial intelligence to create an unrivaled weed control solution for row crops.
The new agreement sees the two manufacturers co-develop new weeding technology and products, integrating electrical weeding into precision-guided toolbar systems, for high-value and high-intensive crops.
The next generation of electrical weeding technology uses electricity to boil weeds and their roots, providing better weed control at a lower cost than chemical herbicides. With full and systemic control, the technology kills weeds above and below the ground without leaving residues harming health, soils, biodiversity, or crops.