National Ag Day March 18, 2025

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National Ag Day March 18, 2025

By Agriculture Council of America

The Agriculture Council of America (ACA) announced March 18, 2025, will be National Agriculture Day with the theme of “Together We Grow.” 

Activities planned for March 18 feature a virtual Ag Day program, and in-person events in Washington DC. A core leadership team of college students will participate in the DC events, along with representatives of national farm and commodity organizations, representatives of the food, fuel, and fiber communities. 

Jenny Pickett, ACA President says students from AFA, 4-H, FFA, and MANNRS participated in 2024 National Ag Day. “Students are interested in advocating on behalf of agriculture and their future roles in the industry. Their participation in National Ag Day activities provides a glimpse of the future of agriculture. It’s exciting to learn from the students what they think agriculture will be like in the years ahead, and how their involvement will shape the industry and America as a whole.” 

“More and more, students and individuals are finding careers in agriculture. The industry needs scientists, biologists, food safety technicians, livestock nutrition specialists, arborists, conservationists – one doesn’t have to be a farmer or have a direct on-farm job to be involved in the agriculture industry,” Pickett says. 
2025 National Ag Day marks the 52nd year of the nationwide effort to share real stories of American agriculture, and remind citizens that agriculture affects everyone. “From the food we eat and the fuel for our vehicles, to the fiber in the clothes we wear, and the oil used to make kids’ crayons, agriculture touches everyone in some way,” Pickett says. 

The National Ag Day program encourages every American to: 

• Understand how food, fiber, and fuel products are produced. 

• Appreciate the role agriculture plays in providing safe, abundant, and affordable products. 

• Value the essential role of agriculture in maintaining a strong economy. 

• Acknowledge and consider career opportunities in the agriculture, food and fiber industry. 

In addition to the events on March 18, the ACA will offer the Ag Day Essay Contest. Interested students would create video essays on the topic of Food Security = National Security. The winning video essay will be presented on National Ag Day. 

Sponsorship opportunities for Ag Day 2025 are available. Visit for more information, or contact Pickett to discuss sponsorship opportunities, or with any additional questions. 

Agriculture Council of America, a nonprofit organization composed of leaders in the agricultural, food and fiber community, organizes the annual activities which are part of a national effort to increase the public's awareness of agriculture's role in modern society.